Judging Criteria
Judging Panel
The judging panel for the FÍS Film Awards comprises individuals with expertise in the areas of education and film. The judges will be impartial. Where split decision arises the FÍS Manager has the casting vote. The decision of the judges is final.
When reviewing films submitted for the awards, judges will consider the following:
- Imagination and creativity
- Originality of the story
- Curricular relevance (include details of subject/strand/strand unit where relevant)
- Support of pupils’ literacy and/or numeracy skills development
- Excellence in set design, costume design, film direction, film production, the use of sound, acting, cinematography, etc
- Excellence in the art of storytelling
- Excellence in the use of special techniques, e.g., animation or special effects
- Excellence in visual interpretation of a story or concept
Scannáin as Gaeilge
Cuirfear fáilte ar leith roimh scannáin as Gaeilge.
Award Categories
Awards may be made in a wide variety of categories including Documentary, Comedy, Horror, Acting, Storytelling, Adaptation, Animation, Special Effects, Direction, Costume, Editing, Production Design, Cinematography, Sound Track, Best Newcomer, Best Junior Class Production, Curriculum Relevance, among others.
Special Award Category
For the 19th Annual FÍS Film Competition opening on the 22nd of April 2024, there is a suggested category of ‘Climate and Sustainability’. Films do not have to be on this subject matter, but there will be a dedicated award in this category for those looking to narrow the focus of their submissions.
Queries may be directed to fisfilm@iadt.ie