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Privacy & Cookies Policy

Home » Privacy Policy

1. Who are we?


FÍS film project.ie is an initiative (the “Initiative”) that is designed, created and co-ordinated by Dún Laoghaire Institute of Art, Design and Technology (IADT) in partnership with the Professional Development Service for Teachers (PDST ) (Tech in Ed Dept).  The Initiative works primarily to support Irish primary school teachers (via CPD & online open source resources) to introduce the medium of film making to children, embed technology in classrooms and enable collaborative learning.


Any external links to other websites is clearly identifiable as such, and neither  FÍS, IADT or PDST (Tech in Ed) are responsible for the content or the privacy policies of those other websites, such as, YouTube, Vimeo, Twitter, Instagram, etc.


IADT is a Data Controller and will observe the key GDPR principles and obligations in relation to any personal data collected here.  Data subject access requests should be addressed to dp@iadt.ie or 01 239 4947. For IADT’s privacy and cookie statement please click here.


Personal data relating to the www.fisfilmproject.ie and associated annual awards ceremony processes can be accessed, corrected or deleted from our records by request to fisfilm@iadt.ie or bernadette.meagher@iadt.ie .


2. What information do we collect?


2.1       We collect and retain two types of information:


(a)       “Non-Personal Data” and Cookies

You can browse the Site without telling us who you are or revealing any personal information about yourself.  Like most Sites, we gather statistical and other analytical information collected on an aggregate and anonymous basis from all visitors to our Site.  This “Non-Personal Data” comprises information that cannot be used to identify or contact you, such as your IP (Internet Protocol) address, domain name, browser type, operating system, and information such as the Site that referred you to us, the files you downloaded, the pages you visit, and the dates/times of those visits, and other anonymous statistical data involving the use of our Site.


(b)       “Personal Data”

“Personal Data” is data that identifies you or can be used to identify or contact you.  Personal Data is collected only with your knowledge and permission, and is retained on behalf of IADT in a secure manner.

Personal Data is not collected via general web browsing at www.fisfilmproject.ie. However, we may collect personal data via the annual FÍS Film Awards entry forms. The personal data that we process includes basic personal information, such as your name / surname; school that you teach at, contact information, such as email address and mobile phone number where you prefer to provide personal contact info as opposed or in addition to school contact details.

The information that we collect from you may be stored at a destination outside the European Economic Area (i.e. EU, Iceland, Norway & Liechtenstein). However, we endeavor to keep your information with-in the EEA and where possible limit the information to Ireland.  In the course of providing services, contractors of IADT inside or outside the EEA are bound by data protection requirements.


(c) We do not collect any Special Categories of Personal Data about you (this includes details about your race or ethnicity, religious or philosophical beliefs, sex life, sexual orientation, political opinions, trade union membership, information about your health and genetic and biometric data).


3. Purposes for which we hold your Information


3.1       Non-Personal Data and Cookies:

Non-Personal Data is used in an aggregate form to analyse trends and usage of the Site and to improve the usefulness of the Site.


3.2        Personal Data:

We will use the personal data volunteered by you via the annual FÍS Film Awards entry form for the specific purpose for which it was collected, i.e., communication and data gathering re. entry to the FÍS awards for the particular year of entry.


We will share your personal data with project partners, the PDST (Tech in Ed) based on your signed consent. After 36 months, personal data collected by the FÍS office in relation to the FÍS annual awards will be anonymised.  Anonymised statistical data will be retained indefinitely by IADT/FÍS.


4. Disclosure of Information to Third Parties


4.1       We will not sell or distribute any Personal Data volunteered to FÍS to any third party other than as identified in 3.2 above.  We will not disclose your Personal Data to third parties unless you have consented to this disclosure or unless disclosure is required by agents or contractors of IADT in the course of providing services (in such circumstances, the third party is bound by similar data protection requirements).


4.2       We will disclose your Personal Data if we believe in good faith that we are required to disclose it in order to comply with any applicable law, a summons, a search warrant, a court or regulatory order, or other statutory requirement.


5. Statement in the Context of Use by Children


5.1       IADT acknowledges that video content of persons under 13 years of age may be submitted to the Initiative, and that such persons need special safeguards and privacy protection to protect their rights.  To this end, IADT, through its terms of engagement with participating schools, requires the legal guardian for each participating minor to have consented, on behalf of their child, to their child’s participation in the film making process. This consent is gathered by participating schools, held in their records and confirmed as ‘given’ via the FÍS Film Awards entry form.


5.2       Films shortlisted for the FÍS annual awards ceremony may be web published on www.fisfilmproject.ie, embedded from a video hosting site, currently youtube.com (unlisted). IADT seeks written consent from schools to web publish films, to air films at the annual awards ceremony and for promotional / PR purposes by IADT and project partners, PDST (Tech in Ed) relating only to the FÍS film project and associated annual awards ceremony.


5.3         At any time, a guardian or parent can request (a) access to their child’s personal data, (b) request a correction of their child’s personal data, or (c) withdraw consent for the film, containing their child’s personal data (including biometric data), to be published; by liaising with the relevant school/teacher who shall facilitate such a request and advise fisfilm@iadt.ie  promptly. Alternatively, a guardian or parent can contact IADT directly by email to fisfilm@iadt.ie in relation to any of these issues. Please note it is only possible to comply with a request not to publish a film with effect from the date of withdrawal of consent.  It will not be possible to comply with such a request once publication has already occurred and is based on a consent already provided.

5.4       Schools attending the FÍS annual awards ceremony will be contacted after shortlisting notification inviting them to the event and requesting they gain written consent from parents/guardians of each child attending the event that gives permission that the child may be filmed/audio recorded/photographed as detailed in an explanatory letter provided by the PDST TiE each year to all shortlisted participating schools.  Where consent is not granted the school must ensure that the child is not put forward to be recorded or have their photograph taken.


6. Security


6.1       IADT takes its security responsibilities very seriously, including by employing appropriate physical and technical security measures, conducting staff training and generating awareness, and regular reviews of these responsibilities.  IADT will take all reasonable precautions to prevent the loss, misuse or alteration of Personal Data volunteered through the Site.  You should note however, that Internet transmissions are never completely private or secure.  You accept that any information or message you send to the Site may be intercepted or read by others.  You hereby acknowledge and accept that IADT have no responsibility and shall accept no liability whatsoever for loss, injury or damage occasioned by the interception by third parties of your transmissions, nor does IADT offer any guarantees, warranties or indemnities as to the security or otherwise of any information which you volunteer.


7. Rights of Access


7.1       If you have provided Personal Data to us and you:

(a)        would like copies of that information;

(b)        would like us to correct any factual inaccuracies in that information; or

(c)        would like that information deleted from our records,

then please contact us by sending an e-mail to fisfilm@iadt.ie or the FÍS Manager,  Bernadette.meagher@iadt.ie.


7.2       IADT will use reasonable efforts to supply, correct or delete information about you.


8. Changes to the Statement


8.1       This Privacy & Cookie policy statement may be the subject of change and the use of information that IADT/FÍS gather shall be subject to the privacy notice in effect.  It shall be your responsibility to check the Site frequently to see recent changes.


9. Using Our Website & Cookie Policy


This Cookie Policy relates to www.fisfilmproject.ie


What is a cookie?

A cookie is a small text file that may be stored on your computer or mobile device that contains data related to a website you visit. It may allow a website “remember” your actions or preferences over a period of time, or it may contain data related to the function or delivery of the site. Cookies can be set by the owner of the website or in some cases by third party services the website owner allows to present other information, run content or provide other functionality such as analytics.


Why and how do we use cookies?


First party cookies:

This site was developed using WordPress https://wordpress.org/support/article/cookies/

We use first-party cookies when you visit our website directly. They are stored by our website and allow us to learn more about the way you interact with our content and to help us to improve your experience when visiting our website. We use cookies to improve functionality, i.e. to allow pages to remember technical changes or selections you may make between pages and to collect non-personal analytics data. They also remember your preferences, such as language, which remain as your default settings when you revisit the website.  This site does not require users to login nor does it permit comments. The site is designed as an open educational resource, (OER). Our first-party cookies do not collect data for marketing, re-targeting or advertising  purposes.


Third party cookies:

For some functions within our websites we use products and services provided by other organisations.  For example, we use Google Analytics Dashboard for WP by ExactMetrics (formerly GADWP) to connect to Google Analytics to track basic information such as, the number of  visits to our website at a given time. However, we use ExactMetrics addon software to ensure EU compliance re. Google Analytics:


  • ExactMetrics automatically anonymises site visitor information (including IP addresses) and automatically disables features used in Google Analytics to ensure EU e-privacy compliance. For further information on privacy policy visit https://policies.google.com/privacy?hl=en-US
  • On visiting our site for the first time a pop-up cookie information ribbon appears, the user has the option to Accept or Decline and also to access our Privacy Policy. This integration means ExactMetrics will not track a user until consent is given.
  • We periodically (*1 month) ask for consent to check if we still have your consent to use cookies. If you visit the site using a different device you will be considered a new user and asked to Accept or Decline cookie consent.
  • In the interim * if you wish to withdraw consent you can do so by clearing your cookie history and opt for ‘Decline’ on your next visit or alternatively contact FÍS Manager Bernadette.meagher@iadt.ie


On some pages of our website, social media feeds and embedded videos are enabled by other organisations, such as YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, Vimeo – often through their own platforms and sometimes using specially designed plugins created by other providers. These other organisations may use cookies and tracking technology to track the success of their application, to customise the application for you, targeting or other purposes. Because of how cookies work, our site cannot access, read or write these cookies, nor can the other organisation access the data in the first-party cookies we use on our site. These companies generate their own privacy policies and further information can be found at their sites or via the links below. Providers may, at any time, change their terms of service, purpose and use of the cookies, etc. Third party privacy and cookie policies are outside of the control of www.fisfilmproject.ie.


Please note if you do not click to view this content on our website no third party cookies are installed on your device.

YouTube: https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/7671399?p=privacy_guidelines

Twitter: https://twitter.com/en/privacy#update

Instagram: https://help.instagram.com/155833707900388

Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/privacy


Managing Cookies on your own device:


Our website endeavours to be EU Compliant, as such, we offer you the opportunity to Accept or Decline cookie consent for our site. However, should you wish to manage cookies through your own browser settings you can choose to block cookies set by this website or any third party suppliers by changing your own browser settings. You can usually find these settings in the Options or Preferences menu of your browser. You can set your browser to refuse all or some browser cookies, or to alert you when websites set or access cookies. For some mobile devices you may need to refer to the makers manual for instructions.

To understand these settings, the following links may be helpful, or you can use the Help option in your browser for more details.

If you block the use of cookies you will still be able to visit our website but some of the functionality may be compromised.

For further information on cookies visit www.allaboutcookies.org



[pdf-embedder url="https://fisfilmproject.ie/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/FÍS-Plugin-Technology-Register.pdf"]